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Sermon Illustrations: Love


A pastor was speaking to a group of singles on the topic of love. He said, “There are three little words that every young man loves to hear. Those words will make him walk on air. Does anyone know what they are?” A young woman called out, “Go hang yourself!”

On 2nd May, 1962, a lady by the name of Gladys Kidd put this advertisement in the San Francisco Examiner, “I don’t want my husband to die in the gas chamber for a crime he did not commit. I will therefore offer my services for ten years as a cook, maid, or housekeeper to any leading attorney who will defend him and bring about his vindication.” One of San Francisco’s best lawyers, Vincent Hallinan, saw the ad and contacted her. He took on the case and got her husband released from all charges. Later, the lawyer refused Gladys Kidd’s offer of ten years’ free service, saying that he was happy to have saved an innocent man from death.

Sir William Shackleton, the famous Arctic explorer, was once asked to recount his most difficult experience. He described how, one night, in an emergency hut, he and his men were trying to sleep. They had just rationed out the last biscuits - there was nothing left. Every man appeared to be asleep. Shackleton sensed a movement and saw one of his men turning to see how the others were going. He obviously thought that the others were asleep, so he stretched over the next man and took his biscuit bag. Then he removed the biscuit. Shackleton was dumfounded. He thought he could have trusted this man with his life. Now he was stealing a man's last biscuit. Had the pressure turned him into a thief and a betrayer? Then he saw him move again. He removed the biscuit from his own bag, put both biscuits into the other man's bag, and quietly returned the bag to his sleeping friend's side. Shackleton said, "I dare not tell you that man's name. I felt that act was a secret between himself and God."

You never hear anyone saying, "I left the church because they loved me too much."

Jesus communicated love to lepers through touch.

To love one's friends is not sufficient in the higher righteousness demanded of Christians. Jesus taught to love your enemies as well ([Mat 5] v. 44. It is natural to love one's own friends; it is supernatural to love one's enemies.1

A family was in a serious traffic accident. The youngest son, Mike, was seriously injured and needed blood. His big brother, Danny, was only 8-years-old, but had the same blood type. Danny's Dad explained carefully how important it was for Mike to have blood, and how great it would be if Danny could help out. There was silence for a while, then Danny said, "Yes, Daddy, I'll give my blood so Mike can get better." They put the needle in his vein and drew the blood they needed. Once the needle was back out, Danny looked up at his Dad, and with tears running down his cheeks said, "Daddy, when do I die?" It was only then that his Dad realised that Danny didn't know he was just giving some blood. He thought he was giving his life.

My Collection of Jokes, Quotes & Anecdotes

See if you can answer this question: Who is the greatest disciple of love in the New Testament? How many of you think it's John because he talked about love so much. How many of you think it's Paul because he wrote the love chapter in 1 Corinthians 13. But in fact it was Peter. After all, he asked Jesus to pray for his mother-in-law.

Thomas Steward injured one of his eyes with a knife. A specialist decided that it would be best to remove it to save the other eye. After the operation was finished and he had recovered from the anaesthetic, they discovered that the operator had blundered by removing the good eye, resulting in the young man's being totally blind. Nevertheless, he decided he would still pursue his law studies at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. This was only possible because of his brother William who read to him and helped him through college life. The blind brother, Thomas, came out head of his class, while William came second.


The disciple of Jesus will stand out in the world because of the divine quality of his love. D.A. Carson

The knowledge of the father's love did not cause the prodigal to come home. Peter Youngren

Love talked about can be easily turned aside, but love demonstrated is irresistible. W. Stanley Mooneyham

Love God and do as you like. Augustine

If you love, you will unconsciously fulfil the Law and the prophets. Henry Drummond

Love is not blind, but love finds it easy to forgive. Trevor Chandler

God did not love us because He had a need; God loved us because we had a need. Trevor Chandler

Without love, you will be ferocious in the ministry. Ian Bilby

1 Slater, Philip A Biblical Examination Of Divorce And Remarriage p 13

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